Joe's Black Dog

Joe's Black Dog
Joe's Black Dog by Marjorie Weiss

17 July 2013

'The Consolations of Philosophy' by Alain De Botton

Climbing the Arête des Cosmiques by NomadicEntrepreneur
Climbing the Arête des Cosmiques, a photo by NomadicEntrepreneur on Flickr.

'Though the terrain of frustration may be vast ... at the heart of every frustration lies a basic structure: the collision of a wish with an unyielding reality.

The collisions begin in earliest infancy, with the discovery that the sources of our satisfaction lie beyond our control and that the world does not reliably conform to our desires.

And yet, for Seneca, in so far as we can ever attain wisdom, it is by learning not to aggravate the world's obstinacy through our own responses, through spasms of rage, self-pity, anxiety, bitterness, self-righteousness and paranoia.

A single idea recurs throughout his work: that we best endure those frustrations which we have prepared ourselves for and are hurt most by those we least expected and cannot fathom. 

Philosophy must reconcile us to the true dimensions of reality, and so spare us, if not frustration itself, then at least its panoply of pernicious accompanying emotions.

Her task is to prepare for our wishes the softest landing possible on the adamantine wall of reality.'