Joe's Black Dog

Joe's Black Dog
Joe's Black Dog by Marjorie Weiss

05 September 2013

John Updike

Fallen rocks IMG_1382 by OZinOH
Fallen rocks IMG_1382, a photo by OZinOH on Flickr.

  '... the heavy stones fell with a strange slowness, seen from above, and accumulated into a kind of mountain it became Joey's summer job to clear away. 

He learned a valuable lesson that first summer on the farm, while he turned fourteen: even if you manage to wrestle only one stone into the wheelbarrow and sweatily, staggeringly trundle it down to the swampy area this side of the springhouse, eventually the entire mountain will be taken away. 

On the same principle, an invisible giant, removing only one day at a time, will eventually dispose of an entire life.'

from A Sandstone Farmhouse