Joe's Black Dog

Joe's Black Dog
Joe's Black Dog by Marjorie Weiss

17 April 2015

poetry by Tao Lin

Inangahua Junction bridge after the 1968 earthquake, photo by Phillip Capper, Flickr creative commons
are you okay?

i don't think telling someone 'don't feel sad' will console them

you need to do whatever you can to make them feel better

whenever your actions make them feel sad

and not stop until they feel better


poetry by Tao Lin, 2008
Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy 
Melville House Publishing, New York 

05 April 2015

Looking outward

Photo by Tony Fischer, Flickr creative commons
'What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when we bring what is within out into the world, miracles happen.'

Quote often attributed to Henry David Thoreau or Ralph Waldo Emerson but sourced to Henry S. Haskins, Meditations in Wall Street.

'It is the brain which does the thinking, not the thought; it is the soul which moves us forward, not ourself.'