Joe's Black Dog

Joe's Black Dog
Joe's Black Dog by Marjorie Weiss

06 June 2013

'Luminous Emptiness' by Francesca Fremantle

'...generosity springs from unshakeable confidence in the possession of goodness. In order to connect with this confidence, we need to let go of our limited self-concept and open up to the limitless power of the buddha qualities, allowing them to enter our own lives - or rather, to rediscover them there - and to radiate out to all beings. By definition, goodness cannot be kept for oneself; virtue. goodness, and richness ... are inseparable from their generosity ... Through wisdom we recognise the inherent potential for enlightenment in all beings, making it impossible to disrespect them simply because they are different. Feeling our essential sameness deeply, however strange others may sometimes seem to us, gives us the power of sympathy and empathy. Emotional reactions of liking and disliking begin to lose their importance, so that impartial, all-embracing love can blossom in their place. Inner equanimity develops from seeing that the same opportunity for awakening exists in all circumstances, whether happy or sad, pleasant or unpleasant, privileged or deprived.'